
Thursday, November 28th is Thanksgiving Day. The Washington New Church has a special family festival service at 11:00am. All are invited to this joyful service and are welcome to bring a fruit or food offering. The food offering is later distributed to a local food pantry. Please join us this Thanksgiving!
The Theta Alpha Guild is a women’s auxiliary group that supports the workings and uses of the church and school. The group helps prepare for church functions – Like decorating the church for Christmas, prepares occasional suppers and banquets, supports the school in any way they can and fund raises to support both organizations. Meetings […]
With Jenifer Mullin and Ann Fleming – Saturday, September 21st at 7:30pm – Washington New Church & School 11914 Chantilly Lane, Mitchellville, MD 20721 Immerse yourself in the pure frequencies of the singing bowls, chimes and other simple instruments. Allow the sound to wash away tension as waves of healing energy balance and align your […]

Meeting every other Monday, from September thru June, at 8:00 PM a dedicated small group will be discussing Emanuel Swedenborg’s general summary of the essential teachings of the New Church in the book, The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine. This lovely digest of critical spiritual issues includes 25 short, concise chapters dealing with everything […]

Wednesday mornings at 10:00 AM a special reading group begins a series of books “The Arcana Ceolestia” by Emmanuel Swedenborg . The group meet every two weeks and will move through the 12 volumes beginning with Volume 1, chapter 1 for the September class. New members of the group are always welcome no matter where […]