Welcome to the New Church in Mitchellville (at the western edge of Bowie, Maryland, just east of “the District”), and welcome to our web site.
Please note that this web site is revised regularly, so if you check in every few weeks you should find new items of interest, new photos, resources, food for thought, and more, all of which will be added as time permits. Meanwhile, be sure to click on News and Events, where you will always find our current monthly church newsletter, the ECHO, and our calendar of events. Most of our Sunday sermons are available during recent “stay at home” orders on our You Tube Channel. Weekly Sunday services are streamed live there and you can also view recordings of previous services. Older audio & print files are available on this site under “Worship”.
As a new feature of this web-site we are pleased to unveil the very latest edition of our visitors’ Welcome Book. This is a fairly detailed 14 page introduction to all our programs and activities, including a brief history of the church and a map of our facilities. Click here for the PDF version and note that we have a print version waiting for you when you first visit the church.
As you will see in its own section of the booklet and of this web-site, one of our very special uses here is the operation of a full elementary school not only for church members but for any families who are interested in a complete education based on the principles of this distinctively new Christian religion. We feel deeply privileged to be able to offer this opportunity to nurture the tender and inquisitive minds of children with the beautiful truths of natural and spiritual life neatly integrated into every aspect of the curriculum. And our children do exceedingly well academically.
As for the church itself, we thrive on the work that we do. We don’t put a special premium on fancy buildings and elaborate programs, although we ARE now involved in an extensive renovation and expansion project – see “special programs.” Our facilities are modest, but we offer a strong, vibrant sense of community and spiritual support built around the convictions we share, and we invite you to consider these convictions with us. We believe you will find them inspiring, enlightening, encouraging and most of all intellectually satisfying as they especially help to reconcile the revelations of science with the deeper revelations of the Bible.

Whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst. The water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life. ~ John 4:14
In fact, one of our key teachings is about the symbolic or spiritual meaning of the literal stories in the Word. Every one of them, as we understand it, is written so as to put into concrete imagery things that have to do with our inner, spiritual lives. Water, for example, corresponds to truth, meaning that what water does for the body truth does for the mind. Thus every time water is mentioned in Scripture the symbolism relates to truth (or, at times, the perversion of truth). This is why baptism is significant, as was the crossing of the Jordan River or the Red Sea, and hundreds of other stories involving water.
To give another example, the creation story is not really about the beginning of the natural world, though the stages suggested by each “day” can be reconciled quite sensibly with evolution. It is about the progressive development of the human mind or spirit – from a general enlightenment to the population of the will and understanding with all sorts of spiritually living thoughts and affections. Note, you can read a few “typical” sermons preached here in the web site section called Resources, under “articles and papers from the pastor.”
We welcome and invite your questions. Please see the Contact section of the site and send us your thoughts. Or come by any time. We look forward to meeting you and serving you if we can.
May the Lord bless you and strengthen you in His Word.