Sermons by Category

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wordThis page is a small window into the kind of sermons you will hear when you attend the Washington New Church.  Note that it is just a sampling – around 60 sermons in all on a variety of themes and topics ranging from what we call “expository,” explaining the meaning of given texts from the Word, to topical or pastoral subjects, like Prayer or Providence.
Just click on one of the headings and wait a second for the specific sermon links to appear.  Then click on one of your choice and enjoy the read.  When you are finished, if you’d like to read another one click the “back” button on your browser until you return to the listing you want, and then start over.  If you get hooked, and want more on the same theme or topic, please contact us.  There’s a good possibility that there is much more available along these lines, and certainly if not from us in Washington, then from where you will many other New Church ministers from around the world have written or recorded sermons.
You are also welcome to subscribe to regular e-mailings of all our sermons, just ask!

Meaning of Old Testament Texts

Meaning of New Testament Texts

The Lord’s Life in the World

Divine Providence


The Second Coming

The Two Sacraments

Freedom and Rationality

Hard Sayings in the Bible:

Hope and Encouragement

The Christian Life and Challenges:

Life and Death; Life After Death

Love of the Neighbor

Surprising Teachings of the New Church

Thanksgiving, Christmas & Easter


