Make A Gift

E-giving – our online giving portal.

Since we can’t “come” to church during the pandemic, and sending donations by mail is a nuisance, we thought this might be a good time to remind you of our online giving tool.  You can this tool to make one time donations or place your regular donation. You can use a debit or credit card or ACH Debit directly from you checking account.

Please watch the following tutorial to help you use this convenient feature.

Our congregation members and friends support the church in many ways
, both financially (as they are able) and by generously volunteering their time and energy in carrying out our many uses.

Unlike many churches we do not require tithing (giving 10% of one’s income to the church), but we believe that the tithe, like everything else in Scripture, is representative, in this case symbolizing the full measure of what one is able to contribute while prudently providing for one’s self and one’s family. Nor do we “pass the plate” during our services, but a bowl is provided near the entrance to the church for discreet and private offerings as our initial act of worship, and that offering is dedicated in a low key but formal presentation following one of the hymns during the service.

Washington New Church has a clear vision for the future and a strategic plan to focus and direct our decisions. Our members work hard to maintain and improve our Church and School not only for our own spiritual welfare but to help make the benefits of the Church more widely available to others. We have a great school with a long and proud history; we have resources, a plan, and a commitment to get the job done. Come, work, play and worship with us and find the spiritual home you’ve been looking for!

Thank you for all you to do improve the vitality of the Washington New Church and its schools.

Biblical passages related to financial giving

Biblical stewardship is based on the belief that God is the rightful owner of everything (Psalm 24:1) and that we are caretakers of His creation. Biblical stewardship includes many aspects. But of all the various aspects of stewardship, the Bible frequently singles out financial generosity as the one most representative of a person’s heart (Matthew 6:19-21).

The New Testament does not give us a mandatory percentage for giving. The apostle Paul says, “Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion” (2 Corinthians 9:7). There must be freedom in Christian giving. The purpose of this freedom is to cultivate voluntary (true) generosity by God’s people.

Therefore, the Washington New Church does not suggest donations of any amount or percentage, but leaves members and friends in freedom to give according to their hearts and abilities. The Church then has the responsibility to use the generous gifts of its donors wisely in the service of the Lord.
