Pastors Messages
Tension and Resolution

“I never liked jazz music because jazz music doesn’t resolve. . . I used to not like God because God didn’t resolve. But that was before any of this happened.” – Donald Miller, Blue Like Jazz I love this quote, although it’s not quite accurate. Jazz does resolve, just not when and/or how the listener […]
The Word is Love

I love The Beatles. Their great talent combined with their large catalog allows for all sorts of fun games. For instance, I have long considered challenging a certain fellow-pastor (and Beatles lover) to see who could come up with the best sermon series with individually titled sermons all inspired by a single Beatles album. It’s […]
A Church can be Looked at Like a Human Form

The Word teaches that a church (and really any community of people) can be looked at as being in the human form. One way of describing how a church works is by grouping its activities into “systems”, similar to the various systems of the human body. All the systems interconnect and support one another, but […]
The Opportunity Before Us
Hello, friends! I hope you all had a great summer, and are looking forward to the coming change of seasons. For myself, it has been a summer full of moving in, setting up and planning, with a break in the middle for some important down time at the beach. As a part of my planning […]
Hello Washington
I strongly believe that if you take these seven tasks deadly seriously, and make them the seven most important things in your life–even for a short period of time–then you will see a powerful net positive result in the lives of the people around you, and maybe even in your own life, too. Here they are:
Some Reflections on Easter

The Easter season is a great time to focus in on our ideas of God – and on our relationship with Him. Following are some thoughts I wrote for our April Newsletter, the ECHO, about the Lord’s resurrection as it is described in the Gospels. About the Lord’s Resurrection There is as you may know […]
People Wonder about our Church Logo:

Why do we feature a white horse and two interlocking letters, rather than the traditional symbol of the cross? There are several reasons. First, the horse is a Biblical symbol for the power of understanding, and the white horse described in the Book of Revelation represents the power of a pure, true understanding. This is […]
Good and Truth

In a political and social environment where people are inclined to select their truth from any number of conflicting sources, and where “fake news” is the indictment most used to discredit information we don’t like, it can be difficult to sort fact from fiction. But the truth matters, and ignorance or misunderstanding can hurt us […]
Firearms in Schools

Quite apart from the fact that our Lord clearly warns against any attempt to address violence with violence (Matthew 5:38-42), it is our considered opinion that school safety ultimately depends on the cultivation of a strong culture of charity – among the students themselves and between all the students and staff. More guns in schools […]
The #MeToo Movement

February 14th, 2018 If there’s one thing sacred in the spiritual and practical life of the church it is marriage – and all the expressions of intimacy that belong to the realm of marriage. In fact, we are one of very few churches in the world that teach the potential for marriage with all its […]