Current Study Groups

Meeting every other Monday, from September through June, at 8:00 PM a dedicated small group will be discussing Emanuel Swedenborg’s general summary of the essential teachings of the New Church in the book, The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine.

This lovely digest of critical spiritual issues includes 25 short, concise chapters dealing with everything from goodness and truth to the spiritual sense of the Word, baptism, the resurrection and the true nature of the Lord.  We meet in a couple’s home near the church and new members are always welcome.  Please call for details.  Copies of the book are available from the pastor free of charge.

In addition on Wednesday mornings at 10:00 AM a special series of classes now beginning reading the “Arcana Caelestia”, by Emanuel Swedenborg.  The group meet every two weeks and relies on reading through (little by little) the volumes of the “Arcana”, to inform discussion.   New members of the group are always welcome.

Book Study groups meet in private homes so please contact the church office for further details.
